A Single Pane of Glass

A Single Pane of Glass

A Single Pane of Glass

The All-In-One Product Offering


ResTech is excited to announce it’s new and innovative web-based software that will deliver everything you need for your call center operations. ResTech provides web-based software that connects consumer brands, contact center service providers, and on-demand agents all on a single pane of glass. With cross channel integrations, AI-assisted performance management, and an agent marketplace for driving and supporting sales, this unified application is the solution for building the ultimate contact center. We know first hand the problems with the contact center industry and have created an application to deliver a new standard for both consumer and agent experience. Our platform is designed to address the common pain points faced by traditional contact centers.


  • Disconnected Data: We unify data across multiple systems, giving agents immediate access to comprehensive customer information, orders, etc all in an easy to use platform
  • CRM Integrations: Whether placing new orders or addressing inquiries, agents manage all tasks directly in ResTech. All actions are dynamically connected in real time with CRMs for future reference.
  • Inefficient Call Routing: Our AI-driven call routing ensures customers are connected to the best available agents, reducing wait times and improving experience and resolutions
  • High Operational Costs: By streamlining operations and enhancing agent performance, we help reduce overall operational costs while boosting productivity

There is a clear need for a singular application to revolutionize contact center operations. We believe in a simpler, more affordable, and better contact center experience for all. ResTech’s application is agnostic and flexible, integrating seamlessly with your existing external applications while being robust enough on its own to deliver all your contact center needs. ResTech is the only application your internal agents or outsourced agents will ever need. Our single pane of glass is the only agent-purpose built application that seamlessly connects to all external applications and our Contact Center Exchange (2-Way Contact Center Services Marketplace). Here are the features that set us apart.


  • Enterprise-Grade Global Communications Network 
  • Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS)
  • Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS)
  • AI Assist – Best Consumer-to-Agent Guidance
  • The Contact Center Exchange (2-Way Contact Center Services Marketplace)

All of these features are included in ResTech’s innovative platform, eliminating the need for multiple solutions or services. Everything you could ever need for your contact center operations is now all in one application. Don’t let the current contact center environment bring your business down. Experience the future of customer service with ResTech – where technology and human expertise meet to create unparalleled excellence.


We unify technology, consumer brands, service providers, and top-rated agents with one software application.

We are The Contact Center Exchange.

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Introducing The Contact Center Exchange

Introducing The Contact Center Exchange

Introducing The Contact Center Exchange

The new web-based software application and 2-way marketplace is revolutionizing contact center operations and delivers customers the experience they deserve.

ResTech’s innovative Contact Center Exchange aims to stabilize the volatile contact center industry, empowering businesses to “Build a Better Contact Center” and provide consumers with the best possible experiences and outcomes. 

Who hasn’t had a negative call center experience? The problem with the current contact center services is that data is disconnected, information is lacking and staff turnover all contribute to poor service and customer experience. The existing systems are complicated and lead to higher SaaS spend; agents are unable to deliver resolutions  quickly leading to unhappy consumers; and finding talent as well as balancing volume with staff is difficult. There is a clear need for a singular software application that can deliver a quality experience for both the agent and the consumer.

In the dynamic landscape of customer service, brands are constantly striving for efficiency, effectiveness, and customer satisfaction. We believe that everyone deserves a better contact center experience. Restech is here to deliver a simpler and more affordable solution for all. Our innovative platform integrates advanced technology with human expertise to create an unparalleled consumer experience.

Our single pane of glass is the only agent-purpose built application that seamlessly connects to all necessary external applications and ResTech’s 2-Way Marketplace. It is the only application your internal agents or outsourced agents will ever need. Place a new product or service sale, manage an existing customer account, increase agent utilization and outsource or prioritize route voice/non-voice traffic using ResTech’s 2-way Marketplace. Businesses can also obtain more customer acquisitions and/or sell ancillary products and/or services using the 2-way marketplace.

The ResTech application is agnostic and flexible to your existing external applications, while also robust enough on its own to deliver everything you need for your call center operations. Bring your own CCaaS solution, or use our custom out of the box enterprise-grade partner solution. Our unified application is built to work for you.

Regardless of brand or industry, every customer interaction is critical to a business. ResTech intimately understands the impact customer service has on a brand and created its software application to prioritize that.

“Every interaction is a chance to make a positive impact. And if you make enough of them… You have a customer for life. We believe in a call center industry where everyone is taken care of—from the consumer brand, to the agent, to the service provider, to the consumer; where a better contact center experience can be both simpler and more affordable. We don’t just believe this is possible, we know. After all, we are the solution.” – Jake Bush, President & CEO of ResTech

Studies have proven that human to human interaction is the most important part of a consumer’s experience. AI can provide a cost effective solution for customer support but the need for qualified customer support agents will not go away. As AI continues to change contact center operations, it’s important to balance both human and AI strategies to better meet high consumer expectations. 

The immediate future of the contact center industry is AI assisted human interactions. The percentage of consumers who would prefer to speak with a live agent or have an issue too complex for AI, will be seamlessly connected to the RIGHT agent within ResTech’s all-in-one software application.

Restech is focused on making that percentage (~30%) of support needs a best in class experience.Through the understanding of consumer tendencies and preferences, ResTech uses AI Assist to help guide the consumer and the agent to the best possible outcome based on predefined goals, dynamic real time data computation and agent matching. At ResTech, we are using AI in an innovative way to empower the agent, while maximizing your SaaS budget.

ResTech’s web-based software solution advocates for a new standard. With just a single application, we’re unifying technology, consumer brands, and top-rated agents to build the better contact center experience that everyone deserves. Gone are the days of unhappy customers, frustrated agents, multiple disconnected platforms and high SaaS costs. Experience the value of ResTech – where technology and human expertise meet to create unparalleled excellence.

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We unify technology, consumer brands, service providers, and top-rated agents with one software application.

We are The Contact Center Exchange.

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