We are ResTech

What do consumer brands, agents, service providers, and customers all have in common? We all want to end the day feeling happy (and hey, we’re doing our best). But at some point, we’ll have to ask each other for help. 

Help is what the call center industry is built on. Except—the contact centers designed to solve problems, are actually creating them (conundrum). Disconnected data, too many platforms, stressed-out agents, unsatisfied customers—we’re here to say that lackluster contact centers are a thing of the past.

ResTech’s web-based software advocates for a new standard. With just a single application, we’re unifying technology, consumer brands, and top-rated agents to build the better contact center experience that everyone deserves. So, what do happy consumer brands, agents, service providers, and customers all have in common? They work with ResTech.

We are ResTech, and together we believe that you deserve a better contact center experience.

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Who Are We?

ResTech is The Contact Center Exchange for all models in the call center industry.

ResTech provides web-based software that connects consumer brands, contact center service providers, and on-demand agents all on a single pane of glass. With cross channel integrations, AI-assisted performance management, and an agent marketplace for driving and supporting sales, this unified application is the solution for building the ultimate contact center for a better customer experience.

Our Vision

A world where everyone has the best possible contact center experience.

What do we do

ResTech provides web-based software that connects consumer brands, contact center service providers, and on-demand agents all on a single pane of glass. With cross channel integrations, AI-assisted performance management, and an agent marketplace to drive and support sales, this unified application is the solution for building the ultimate contact center for a better customer experience. ResTech is The Contact Center Exchange.

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Our Core Values

We pride ourselves on our core values.


Trust is earned: we do what we say, and follow through with our actions. We are the sum of our decisions, and take accountability of all outcomes. 


We identify leaders, build community, and inspire change through empowerment. Daily consistency and accountability are our MO.

Radical Candor

We are honest, transparent, and open—but not brutal. We embrace raw conversations by caring personally and challenging directly. 


We are enthusiastic, tenacious, and competitive. Good is not good enough—we are driven by tomorrow’s achievement.


We are on a journey of continuous learning and improvement, embracing vulnerability and discomfort along the way. We aren’t influenced by fear of failure.


We view all of our integration partners as channel partners. We strive to deliver a unique channel partner connection between the ResTech application and each of your 3rd party platforms that are important to your consumer lifecycle and it’s relationship with the contact center experience.

We are THE Contact Center Exchange

Delivering a unified application for a better contact center experience for all.

We unify technology, consumer brands, service providers, and top-rated agents with one software application.

We are The Contact Center Exchange.

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