Revolutionizing Customer Service Through Technology

The ResTech APP is agnostic and flexible to your existing external applications, while also robust enough on its own to deliver everything you need from A-Z for your call center operations.


In the dynamic landscape of customer service, brands are constantly striving for efficiency, effectiveness, and customer satisfaction. ResTech, a trailblazing Call Center as a Service (CCaaS) company, has been at the forefront of this transformation. Their innovative platform integrates advanced technology with human expertise to create an unparalleled customer service experience.


A leading consumer brand faced challenges with their customer service operations. They struggled with call routing inefficiencies, inconsistent customer support, and difficulties in managing outsourced agents. They needed a solution that could streamline their processes, enhance customer interaction quality, and provide insightful performance metrics.

Solution: The All-In-One Product Offering

ResTech stepped in with a comprehensive solution, transforming the brand’s customer service from the ground up.

1. Efficient Call Routing:

Customers were calling the customer service number, which was acquired and routed to the carrier network by ResTech. The sophisticated IVR system ensured callers could easily navigate to the required service. ResTech’s technology performed traceroutes, ensuring high-quality connections in terms of cost, connectivity, and voice clarity.

2. Dynamic Agent Assignment:

Calls were smartly routed to available agents, either internal or outsourced via the ResTech Marketplace. This flexible environment allowed for optimal resource allocation, ensuring no customer was left waiting.

3. Enhanced Agent-Customer Interactions:

Upon connection, Agents were presented with custom scripts tailored to individual customer scenarios. The ResTech AI Assist offered checklist guidance, enhancing the support provided and ensuring consistency across all interactions.

4. Seamless CRM Integration:

The ResTech platform automatically pulled up customer records based on the incoming phone number, providing agents with a comprehensive view of the customer’s history with the brand for context and a better user experience.

5. Effective Order Management:

Whether placing new orders or addressing inquiries, agents can manage all tasks directly through the ResTech platform, which is integrated with the CRM system. Every action is logged in the ResTech platform and the CRM system for future reference.

6. Rigorous Quality Monitoring:

Call recordings, supported by manual and AI-assisted post-call reviews, ensured continuous quality and performance improvement.

7. Insightful Performance Reporting:

The ResTech platform generated detailed reports covering various metrics like call volume, resolution rates, and customer satisfaction. The innovative gamification leaderboard motivated agents by highlighting their performance.

8. Comprehensive Customer Follow-Up:

Post-resolution, agents used closing scripts for a professional end to the call, thanking the customer and ensuring a lasting positive impression. Every action was logged for future reference.


The brand experienced a remarkable transformation in their customer service operations. Call handling was reduced by 30%, customer satisfaction scores soared by 40%, and agen efficiency improved significantly. The detailed reports provided by ResTech enabled the brand to make data-driven decisions, further refining their customer service strategy.


ResTech’s CCaaS platform demonstrated its capability to revolutionize customer service for consumer brands. By blending advanced technology with human touch, ResTech not only resolved existing challenges but also paved the way for new standards in customer service excellence.